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I know it will be a glorious celebration in heaven at Christmas. After all it's the birthday of God's only son. Love...
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When I pass, speak freely of my shortcomings and my flaws. Learn from them, for I'll have no ego to injure. Aaron McGruder

This Memorial Page was made to remember our dearest Louise Reeves who was born in Boone County, West Virginia on October 27, 1932 and passed away on November 1, 2012. She was a wonderful Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother and Friend. We will all Remember the Beautiful Smile that she wore, she will live forever in our memories and hearts. This Memorial Page was created by her Oldest Grandchild Tammy L Pickens Fink

I remember my grandma as a very head strong woman that was very independant and always a very hardworker. I didnt spend alot of time growing up with her, however the time I did spend she was very strict but she was alot of fun also. She loved her 3 daughters Nancy, Diane and Jolene very much and all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren as well. So much of Grandma Louise will live within our hearts forever. She is going to be greatly missed. RIP Grandma We Will Always Love You

Latest Memories
Louise's Loved Ones Me in California November 18, 2012
I have so many wonderful memories of my mothers side of the family. As I sit and prepare this memory page for grandma I look at the family pictures I am posting and wishing so many times that I was closer to them and got to see them more than I have been able to in past years. I can remember visiting California and my cousin Casey & I were the oldest grandchildren - when Diane & Darrell lived in Tujunga California - Casey & I would go up and lay on the roof of the house on our backs and lay there looking up in the sky at the planes flying in to the LAX airport. We would have alot of fun - however we would argue like sister and brother.    Tammy
Louise's Loved Ones Grandma's Favorite Color Roses ~Tammy November 4, 2012
Latest Condolences
Louise's Loved Ones Missing My Grandma November 13, 2012
Grandma, it doesnt seem real that you are not here - I was at you house this past Saturday and it seemed so strange that you were not there. I brought what things of yours they would give me = Grandma I know you would not want this stuff going on = you was very paticular with your stuff and your jewlery. I was actually hanging your clothes in the spare bedroom closet here at my house and I could smell you on them = it was so sad for me to be going through this. Your one fleece jacket that you wore alot - I just stood by the closet and rubbed the jacket and tearing up - I found one of your bottles of cologne and I took the lid off and smelled it and I can remember you wearing it. I left it on the end table by the sofa and every so often I would take the lid off and just smell it. Grandma you are going to be deeply missed and will always live in our hearts. I have alot of memories of the 2 of us together doing crazy things as a Grandma and her 1st Grandchild. I love you - RIP   Tammy
Nancy Daughter November 12, 2012
I love you mom and always will and I will miss you for the rest of my days. We had so many plans that never came to fruition. I know your with Jesus now and that gives me comfort.
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Louise's niece Sharon & Louise's sister Chloe Ricky, Shauna & Wylan on their Wedding Day Ricky's Daughter Trystan Nancy & Louise Ricky's Kids Trystan & Wylan Ricky & Shauna Nancy's Oldest Grandchild Tyler (Michell's Son) Nancy's Son David Diane & Jolene Isaac, Jakob, Nicholas, Dom & Sophia in Myrtle Beach, SC @ Nancy's House Louise's sister Chloe Nancy's Son David and his Kids Jakob, Nicholas David's Sons Isaac, Nicholas & Jakob Nancy & Tammy Ricky & Baby Trystan
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