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Louise's Loved Ones Missing My Grandma November 13, 2012
Grandma, it doesnt seem real that you are not here - I was at you house this past Saturday and it seemed so strange that you were not there. I brought what things of yours they would give me = Grandma I know you would not want this stuff going on = you was very paticular with your stuff and your jewlery. I was actually hanging your clothes in the spare bedroom closet here at my house and I could smell you on them = it was so sad for me to be going through this. Your one fleece jacket that you wore alot - I just stood by the closet and rubbed the jacket and tearing up - I found one of your bottles of cologne and I took the lid off and smelled it and I can remember you wearing it. I left it on the end table by the sofa and every so often I would take the lid off and just smell it. Grandma you are going to be deeply missed and will always live in our hearts. I have alot of memories of the 2 of us together doing crazy things as a Grandma and her 1st Grandchild. I love you - RIP   Tammy
Nancy Daughter November 12, 2012
I love you mom and always will and I will miss you for the rest of my days. We had so many plans that never came to fruition. I know your with Jesus now and that gives me comfort.
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