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Nancy Breeden
I know it will be a glorious celebration in heaven at Christmas. After all it's the birthday of God's only son. Love...
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11月 1, 2012
Louise B. Gunnoe Reeves was born on October 27, 1932 in Boone Co. W.V. to Clara Mae and Cuthbert Gunnoe. She was one of eight children and grew up on the family farm. At the age of 16 she left home to go to work in Charleston at Libby Owens Glass Plant. I remember her telling me she bought her younger brother Louie a bicycle when she got a paycheck, and how thrilled he was over it. She also bought her mom a new wringer washer. She dearly loved her family. I remember every time we went to see Grandma and Grandpa Gunnoe she took her Mounds bars and him Peppermint stick candy. She met my Dad shortly after, he had just returned from a tour of duty in the Philippines with the Army. I can remember her telling me, he used to meet her after work and they would get a dozen hot donuts and sit under the Kanawha City bridge at night and eat them. In 1949 they married and the following year I was born. Daddy wanted a boy so badly that I became his ruff and tuff tomboy. Diane arrived not quite a year after me, so they worked opposite shifts because they couldn't afford a sitter. Jolene came along almost three years after Diane, I remember Diane and I being taken to stay with Aunt Chloe at the time. This completed our little family. Mom and Daddy divorced when I was ten, because of his problem with drinking,which escalated. Mom still couldn't afford a sitter so it was up to me to take care of my younger sisters after school and during the summer and I did a good job. My mom always worked at one job or another her whole life, but the one she enjoyed the most was Elderly Care, which she did the last 30+ years of her life, it gave her much joy to know she was helping to improve their quality of life. She cared deeply for her siblings through the years, always calling them to see how they were. My mom's dad was a Freewill Baptist preacher so she was brought up knowing the word and was strong in her Christian faith. She loved going to the Gunnoe reunions and seeing everyone. Mom traveled a lot going coast to coast visiting her daughters and their children. She was a fun loving Mom and Grandma, just ask her grandchildren. Mom left behind three daughters, Nancy, Diane and Jolene. She also left behind 11 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren. Mom will be missed by many friends and family. Rest in the arms of the Angels now mom.....you will live in our hearts forever......
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