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Nancy Breeden
I know it will be a glorious celebration in heaven at Christmas. After all it's the birthday of God's only son. Love...
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Louise's Loved Ones Me in California November 18, 2012
I have so many wonderful memories of my mothers side of the family. As I sit and prepare this memory page for grandma I look at the family pictures I am posting and wishing so many times that I was closer to them and got to see them more than I have been able to in past years. I can remember visiting California and my cousin Casey & I were the oldest grandchildren - when Diane & Darrell lived in Tujunga California - Casey & I would go up and lay on the roof of the house on our backs and lay there looking up in the sky at the planes flying in to the LAX airport. We would have alot of fun - however we would argue like sister and brother.    Tammy
Louise's Loved Ones Grandma's Favorite Color Roses ~Tammy November 4, 2012
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